There are a lot of great workouts that you can accomplish within a 20 min. period of time. For example, let's take the following exercises… Jump rope, plank, squats, push-ups, situps.
What you can then do is create a circuit… 60 seconds jump rope, 60 seconds plank, 15 repetitions of squats, 15 repetitions push-ups, 15 repetitions sit ups. This would be one circuit; then, complete as many circuits as you can in your 20 min. Circuits like this are designed to be fast paced, therefore, there is no rest in between each exercise. Try this out, I think you will find this to be a great workout.
You can also try this workout… Jog for 90 seconds, then, perform walking lunges for 30 seconds; continue to alternate the 90 seconds jog and the 30 seconds walking lunges for the 20 min. Your legs will be screaming by the end of this one!
Another great option is a workout that I design called 5-Round Fury Fitness. I designed this for individuals like yourself who are looking to accomplish a high quality workout in a short period of time. 5-Round Fury Fitness will provide you with a new and random workout each time, and, there is no equipment needed. Here is the link,
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Top 5 tips for holding a longer plank
- Do a plank Every. Single. Day.
- Turn the stopwatch over so you can’t see it. Don’t look at the timer until you physically are ready to drop. I know when I am ready to drop when my thighs start shaking.
- Find something to distract your brain. I sometimes browse Facebook on my Kindle Fire or read a magazine article during the first part of my plank. This really helps pass the first couple of minutes. By the end when it starts to get hard, I have to stop reading and focus because my whole body is shaking.
- Towards the end countdown backwards in your head, really slow. I start at 60 and count down slowly to one. This is another way to refocus your brain and it usually kills about two more minutes.
- Do it until it hurts, then push yourself to hold for at least 15-30 more seconds. Sometimes I drop in a pool of my own sweat. It is a beautiful thing.
25 Ways Get 10 Mins Of Exercise
Experts recommend working out 45 minutes to an hour a day (30 minutes for beginners) for weight loss and fitness. But if you're like most women, you don't always have a block of 30 to 60 minutes a day to devote exclusively to doing your workouts.
You can still exercise--you just need to sneak in the equivalent in resourceful ways. "The idea is to keep moving," says fitness expert Ann Grandjean, EdD. "Get a cordless phone or put a long cord on your regular phone, and walk when you talk. Find whatever works for you and just move. Park half a mile from the mall and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Those little, itty-bitty things add up."
Every Stolen Moment Adds Up
Lest you think that short bursts of activity have a negligible effect on your fitness program, think again. One study found that women who split their exercise into 10-minute increments were more likely to exercise consistently, and lost more weight after 5 months, than women who exercised for 20 to 40 minutes at a time.
In a landmark study conducted at the University of Virginia, exercise physiologist Glenn Gaesser, PhD, asked men and women to complete 15 10-minute exercise routines a week. After just 21 days, the volunteers' aerobic fitness was equal to that of people 10 to 15 years younger. Their strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility were equal to those of people up to 20 years their junior.
In yet another study, researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore found that for improving health and fitness in inactive adults, many short bursts of activity are as effective as longer, structured workouts. "It would be useful for people to get out of the all-or-nothing mind-set that unless they exercise for 30 minutes, they're wasting their time," says Gaesser.
Breaking exercise into small chunks on your over scheduled days can also keep your confidence up, says Harold Taylor, time management expert and owner of Harold Taylor Time Consultants in Toronto, who has written extensively on the subject. "Skipping exercise altogether is 'de-motivational'--you feel depressed and guilty," Taylor says. "If you skip it, you tend to figure, 'What's the use? I can't keep up with it anyway.' Yet as long as you make some effort each day, that motivates you onward. Success breeds success."
Keep in mind, though, that short bursts of exercise are meant to supplement, not replace, your regular fitness routine. Here's a roundup of practical ways to work exercise into your day even when you "don't have time to exercise." (You don't have to do them all in 1 day; select what works for you.)
You can still exercise--you just need to sneak in the equivalent in resourceful ways. "The idea is to keep moving," says fitness expert Ann Grandjean, EdD. "Get a cordless phone or put a long cord on your regular phone, and walk when you talk. Find whatever works for you and just move. Park half a mile from the mall and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Those little, itty-bitty things add up."
Every Stolen Moment Adds Up
Lest you think that short bursts of activity have a negligible effect on your fitness program, think again. One study found that women who split their exercise into 10-minute increments were more likely to exercise consistently, and lost more weight after 5 months, than women who exercised for 20 to 40 minutes at a time.
In a landmark study conducted at the University of Virginia, exercise physiologist Glenn Gaesser, PhD, asked men and women to complete 15 10-minute exercise routines a week. After just 21 days, the volunteers' aerobic fitness was equal to that of people 10 to 15 years younger. Their strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility were equal to those of people up to 20 years their junior.
In yet another study, researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore found that for improving health and fitness in inactive adults, many short bursts of activity are as effective as longer, structured workouts. "It would be useful for people to get out of the all-or-nothing mind-set that unless they exercise for 30 minutes, they're wasting their time," says Gaesser.
Breaking exercise into small chunks on your over scheduled days can also keep your confidence up, says Harold Taylor, time management expert and owner of Harold Taylor Time Consultants in Toronto, who has written extensively on the subject. "Skipping exercise altogether is 'de-motivational'--you feel depressed and guilty," Taylor says. "If you skip it, you tend to figure, 'What's the use? I can't keep up with it anyway.' Yet as long as you make some effort each day, that motivates you onward. Success breeds success."
Keep in mind, though, that short bursts of exercise are meant to supplement, not replace, your regular fitness routine. Here's a roundup of practical ways to work exercise into your day even when you "don't have time to exercise." (You don't have to do them all in 1 day; select what works for you.)
1. Grab a buddy. Lífe ís full of great solo actívítíes, but exercíse ísn’t always one of them. Workíng out wíth a buddy ísn’t just a fun way to squeeze ín some face tíme; ít provídes extra accountabílíty along an added push to go that extra míle. Fríends all booked up? Check out local runníng clubs, grassroots fítness groups (líke the November Project), and local meetups (Greatíst even hosts some too!).
2. Joín a class. Group fítness has come a long way sínce we were Sweatín’ to the Oldíes. There really ís somethíng for everyone, from surfíng índoors to aeríal arts. And as always, workíng alongsíde others helps make even tough workouts seem to go by more quíckly.
3. Plan ít out. There ís no magíc tíme frame requíred for a good workout (ít’s about exercíse qualíty, not quantíty!). Waítíng for the clock to tell you when a workout ís done can make tíme seemíngly stand stíll. Instead, plan an exercíse routíne before híttíng the gym. Now the focus ís set on the workout and not the clock.
4. Crank the tunes. Save the sílence for medítatíon class. Workouts are meant to be energetíc! Create a perfect playlíst (or let an app do ít for you) and then pump the tunes to get better results and have more fun doíng ít.
5. Play along. What íf exercíse was actually a game that awarded poínts and access to new levels for hard work? Enter: Exergamíng, dynamíc vídeo games that requíre players to move theír bodíes as part of the game-play. Plugged-ín forms of exercíse can seem more entícíng to some than tradítíonal workouts, and can burn consíderable caloríes per sweat sessíon.
6. Get socíal. Exercíse flíes by when ít doesn’t feel líke exercíse. There are lots of creatíve group actívítíes that are fun, socíal and promote fítness. Haven’t seen anythíng líke that ín your neíghborhood? Try startíng up a group that combínes buílds socíal tíme around yoga ín the park, híkíng a nearby traíl, or anythíng else physícally actíve and fun.
7. Shorten ít up. Want to really make a workout go by quíckly? Cut ít ín half! Short and íntense workouts can be super-effectíve for buíldíng strength and endurance. Thírty mínutes of purposeful exercíse (that’s ríght — less chít chat!) wíll stíll produce great results wíthout all the lag tíme.
8. Lose the dread. Whíle ít’s benefícíal to stack the most challengíng moves toward the begínníng of your workout, don’t feel pressure to kíck thíngs off wíth your most dreaded exercíse. Símílarly, savíng the toughest exercíse for very last ísn’t exactly motívatíon to make ít to the end. Sandwích the really tough exercíses wíth somethíng more enjoyable and the whole workout wíll seem much more pleasant.
9. Track your progress. Nothíng makes exercíse fly by faster than seeíng excítíng results! Measuríng exercíse progress and trackíng ít ín a journal makes gaíns more tangíble and provídes a great way to stay motívated. Workout journalíng usually íncludes a checklíst of exercíses, whích can make a workout seem much less dauntíng than one that doesn’t have an apparent end ín síght.
10. Get competítíve. Nobody líkes to be the loser. Whether ít’s competíng agaínst personal goals or wíth a workout partner, creatíng an opportuníty to wín can help make a workout more enjoyable and more effectíve. Plus, settíng a personal best (or “PB”) ís a great motívator to keep comíng back for more!
11. Try somethíng new. People generally líke to learn new thíngs (why else would Jeopardy stíll be on TV?). Míxíng ín challengíng new exercíses, líke kettlebell hígh pulls and plyometríc deadlífts, can províde and extra booset of mental stímulatíon, keeps the workout excítíng, and challenges the body ín new ways.
12. Call ín the pros. Sure, ít’s prícíer than breakíng a sweat solo, but when workouts start to drag, consíder bríngíng ín the bíg guns. Workíng out wíth a personal traíner has been shown to gíve an extra dose of motívatíon and íntensíty, leadíng to an all-around more effectíve workout than íf you were to go ít alone. Plus, they’ll be the ones ín charge of watchíng the clock — not you.
13. Get outsíde. Exercísíng ín the great outdoors not only relíeves more stress than índoor exercíse, ít also offers quíte a víew. Take ín the surroundíng scenery, wíldlífe, and people as a source of ínspíratíon (Remember: people-watchíng ísn’t creepy íf ít’s done whíle runníng!). Just 30 mínutes per day ís all you need to strengthen muscles and bones, prevent dísease, and ímprove the qualíty of lífe.
14. Grab an app. Fítness apps do a lot more than tíme sets and count reps. Some help plan ínnovatíve workout routínes, others connect people to make exercíse more socíal, and some even offer fínancíal íncentíves to get movíng! Just be sure to avoíd excessíve textíng or takíng calls — talkíng on a cell phone ís a gym etíquette no-no.
15. Learn somethíng new. Imagíne íf every workout could double as a study sessíon. The average person spends almost 80 hours exercísíng each year — that’s a lot of potentíal learníng tíme! Download some ínterestíng podcasts, TED talks, or an entertaíníng novel to pass the tíme whíle gaíníng physícal and mental strength.
16. Set a reward. Buyíng a new outfít, grabbíng a post-workout smoothíe, or splurgíng on a massage can all act as rewards that make tough workouts more bearable. The key ís to choose a reward that ís really desírable and a bít frívolous so that ít actually seems líke a treat (a bíg, tasty bowl of broccolí líkely won’t cut ít!).
Whíle there are lots of ways to make workouts more fun, ít’s ímportant to keep ín mínd that the benefíts of exercíse are always worth a líttle hard work. Planníng challengíng workouts and choosíng engagíng exercíses wíll go a long way to makíng fítness fun and rewardíng.
5 Simple Health Tips to Jump Start A New You
Creating a heather lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated but it does require commitment. It takes 21 days to create a new habit, and 6 months for that habit to become ingrained in your routine. Since life can get in the way, I recommend small changes one step at a time. The list below represents five simple health tips that you can incorporate into your life and make a huge impact on your health, energy, and vitality. Choose one item at a time and do it for at least 3 weeks before adding another component to your lifestyle. When you are doing it without having to constantly remind yourself, then you are ready to move on to the next item.
1) Drink half your "ideal" weight in ounces of water per day. If your ideal weight (not your actual weight) is 120 pounds, you should drink 60 ounces of water per day. Even mild dehydration will cause a 3% drop in your baseline metabolism. That means you will gain 1 pound of fat every 6 months! Drinking water minimizes bloating and water retention in women. These symptoms are often a result of lack of hydration. Drinking plenty of water is how you flush the fat and toxins stored in your fat cells, and also how you can prevent muscle cramps. When muscle cells don't have adequate fluids, they don't work as well and performance can suffer. When exercising, you should try to drink 3-5 ounces of water every 20 minutes. Downing your 8-10 glasses of water all in one sitting doesn't cut it. For maximum effectiveness, staying "evenly" hydrated throughout the day is how our bodies metabolize fat. Also, proper hydration keeps our kidneys and bowel function healthy. Getting the proper hydration also gives you more youthful looking skin. Symptoms associated with mild dehydration are weakness, muscle cramps, headaches, irritability, fatigue, trouble concentrating, heart palpitations, and anxiety.
2) Get your Vitamin D levels tested. Over 80% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient. This is especially prevalent during the winter months. Research shows that proper levels of vitamin D can boost your immune system and decrease your risk for cancer. You can buy Vitamin D3 in a supplement form or you can spend some time in the sun, although your body can only generate vitamin D from UVB rays and during certain times of the day. There is an app for smartphones called Dminder. This app will let you know what time of day, based on your geographic location, the sun is at the proper angle and generating UVB rays so your body can create Vitamin D. In some geographic areas there will be times of the year that you cannot generate vitamin D from sun exposure and will need to get it in the form of supplementation or special tanning beds. This app takes all of the scientific data into account plus your personal profile which includes skin pigmentation, weight, and age. When you are ready to begin your sun exposure, input the type of clothing you are wearing and start the timer. When you've maximized your Vitamin D production for the day, an alarm will sound to end your session. For those of you who don't enjoy the outdoors or live in a location where you can't generate Vitamin D, there are plenty of Vitamin D supplements. Look for Vitamin D in the form of D3. The daily recommended amount is controversial, but generally, 1000-5000mg is recommended. For more info on this topic visit
3) Get to bed before 10pm. Since I know this is going to be challenging, start with going to bed just a little earlier each night and work your way to 10pm over a three week period. The latest sleep studies indicate that the deepest and most regenerative sleep occurs between 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. If your body is chronically deprived of "regenerative sleep" between 10 p.m. - 2 a.m., then you may still feel tired and have difficulty getting up in the morning. At 10 p.m., your body goes through a series of transformations following the rise in melatonin production. Melatonin not only helps regulate your sleep/wake cycle but is also responsible for the repair and restoration of your body. A reduction of your mental and physical activity is necessary for this 10 p.m. shift to occur. Watching television, reading from an electronic device, or bright LED clocks all impact melatonin production and the subsequent chain reaction that leads your body into deep sleep. This is one good reason to buy paperback books and a book light! You can also listen to relaxing music. Getting a good night's sleep can create longevity and health. Deep rest during the night helps you fight stress, maintain a healthy weight, and keeps your energy levels high. A simple health tip for those wanting to lose weight: get a minimum of 5 hours of sleep per night.
4) Eat more fruits and vegetables. When we eat a diet high in whole foods, we feed our bodies thousands of micronutrients which stabilize our blood sugar and cholesterol, decrease weight, boost the immune system, reverse heart disease and prevent cancer. An apple a day may keep the doctor away but a mushroom a day will help keep cancer away! The micronutrients found in fruits and vegetables are very powerful antioxidants. Micronutrients create many cell protecting compounds. Many of these compounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, and phytoestrogens have significant health benefits and are an essential component to optimal health. Micronutrients high in carotenoids are found in carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, broccoli and spinach. Vegetables that are deep red, purple or black provide rich sources of polyphenols. Flavanoids are found in nuts, seeds, grains, green tea, red wine, kale, and lemons. Phytoestrogens are found in soybeans and flaxseeds. If you do not have access to a fresh variety of produce, then supplement your diet with a good whole food concentrate formula. It's important to incorporate both raw and cooked vegetables into your diet. A simple health tip is that roasting vegetables is easy, quick, and delicious! Cut your vegetables into bite size pieces, drizzle them in olive oil, add salt, pepper and a little cayenne. Roast at 420 degrees for about 20 minutes. To change it up, add raw nuts or dried cranberries in the last five minutes of cooking. You can squeeze fresh lemon juice or shake some parmesan cheese over the top for added flavor.
5) Exercise for 20 minutes a day. It is not necessary to kill yourself at the gym for hours at time. You can get tremendous benefit from just 20 minutes of activity per day, and even walking the dog counts! If you can think of exercise as a play-date, then it can be something to look forward to rather than something to get done! Find something you enjoy doing, and do it. It could be tennis, swimming, hiking, jogging, weightlifting, Zumba aerobics, dancing, pole-dancing, kickboxing, boxing, cardio barre, Nia, yoga, biking, jump rope, hula hooping, climbing stairs, or even just shooting baskets. Think about something you used to love doing and then do it again! If you can commit to anything physical for 20 minutes a day you can make a big impact on your health and really boost your metabolism! Running on a treadmill for 20 minutes a day at 4 mph will take 26 days for you to lose 1 pound of fat. That's a total of 14 pounds of fat in one year from this simple health tip. That's a lot of pant sizes! There are so many fun ways to lose weight and get in shape while improving your heart health, reducing stress, increasing endorphins and building muscle.
None of these simple health tips are rocket science. In fact I bet you knew most of this stuff already, you just don't do them. I spent years looking for complicated diets and supplements to get myself into optimal shape. The best medicine I had, I already knew - I just didn't do it. Make your New Years Resolution a lifestyle change to incorporate healthy habits three weeks at a time!
Hi, I'm Anu Fergoda and helping people feel better is my passion. Although I am not an expert in nutrition, diet or exercise, after gaining 26 pounds in one year, being chronically fatigued, and prematurely aging, I decided to take my health and well being into my own hands. After 8 years of wading through mountains of expert articles and opinions, and trial and error, I discovered simple and convenient solutions that worked for me, my family and our busy life. Click here to get your free report on Better Health Through Solutions That Work!
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7 Simple Secrets To Great Health!

Are you plagued by bad health issues that you can never seem to shake off? The following easy-to-implement tips will see your health levels sky rocket - from shaking off colds to lowering blood pressure!
1) Cut out the caffeine!
If you need a caffeine fix to get you started in a morning, it could be that you're addicted. Too much caffeine can cause you to miss out on much-needed sleep. It can also cause headaches, anxiety and a temporary increase in blood pressure. Try drinking green tea or herbal tea for a tasty and healthier alternative to caffeine-heavy hot drinks, and fruit juice instead of drinks such as cola.
2) Try to keep stress in check!
Many of us lead stressful lives, but there are ways to alleviate stress so it doesn't overwhelm you. Listen to calming music or take deep breaths to calm yourself down. Remember, too, that overwhelm is rarely solved by trying to complete a task too quickly - take a step back for a minute or two, gather your thoughts then return to the task at hand.
3) Try to walk more!
Not only a great thing for physical health, walking can also be great for improving your mental health. So, walk short distances instead of driving (ie: to the local shops) or park the car further from your destination so there's an opportunity to stretch your legs at the end of a drive.
4) If you smoke, stop!
It's hardly a secret that smoking's bad for you, but as well as taking years off your life expectancy and running the risk of contracting cancer, it also leaves you generally short of breath, with chest pains poorer skin and more susceptible to getting coughs and colds. Read Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking if you're really struggling.
5) Drink alcohol in moderation!
A glass of red wine here and there is thought to protect against heart disease, but try not to go over the top. Aside from the damage too much alcohol can do to your body, it can also lead you to feel tired, cloud your judgement and make you depressed and anxious. Ensure you have more alcohol-free days a week than not, and don't overdo it on the others.
6) Eat lots of fruit and vegetables!
As a general rule, the more colorful the items on the plate, the better the meal will be for you. Instead of having meals that are predominantly meat-based with a little veg on the side, aim for the other way round.
7) Cut out dairy!
Consider this: how many other animals drink the milk of another species to avoid their health being jeopardised? The answer, of course, is none, and despite the claims of many, humans don't need cow's milk to live a healthy life. For all the benefits of things milk provides, such as potassium, there are sources for it elsewhere. Too much dairy can also lead to weight-gain and high blood pressure, so explore dairy-free alternatives.
This article has given you great ways improve your health, and if you act on the information in this short article, I guarantee you won't look back.
Mike Hall is the author of a free report on one of the most effective and easy ways to see big improvements in your health. To access it visit and follow the prompts.
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The Top 10 Great Weight Loss Foods

It is not always how much you eat, but what you eat that can cause you to gain or lose weight. Although you may not eat much it seems, a diet that consists of a great deal of starchy foods can cause your weight to bloom. On the other hand if you are a vegetable lover and have a difficult time taking a liking to other foods you will need to eat a lot of them to keep the weight on you.
As I see more people dieting to lose weight, rather than eating to keep the weight on, here are ten top weight loss foods that will work to melt the pounds away without barely batting an eyelash.
The wonder food. You have heard, I am sure, that the healthiest part of the egg is the white part. This is said to be true, however, the rest of it is pretty darn healthy as well. Start your day out right and see the pounds come off with a breakfast of eggs and toast. It is a fast and simple breakfast that can go from the stove to the plate in a matter or minutes. Eggs contain quite a bit of protein. This type of protein tends to have a filling effect on the stomach so that your hunger does not wake up again until evening. A perfect diet food!
No, I am not going to say it. We know how to keep the doctor eating right and exercising. Apples are low in calories and contain good nutrition, like fiber. Eating an apple also helps with your digestion.
Yogurt keeps hunger pains to a minimum so that you are less apt to overeat. It contains protein, fat and carbs in just the right proportion to keep things under control in your tummy. A great weight loss food!
It may be just a slight bit high in carbs, but the avocado is a great food to help encourage your body to lose weight.
Containing protein and fiber, the almond is a great weight loss food. In addition, this super weight loss food is also brimming with magnesium and vitamin E. Magnesium helps us by producing energy, controlling blood sugar and it also gives us strong muscles.
Green Leafy Vegetables
Mother always told us to eat our vegetable and now I understand. Vegetables are low in calorie content and high in calcium. This incredible weight loss food will shed unwanted pounds in a matter of weeks.
This oldie, but goodie weight loss food still works today. It is somewhat of a mystery how the grapefruit works in combating weight loss, but it does, which is what really counts.
Green Tea
Green tea is a weight loss food or beverage that many have turned to in dropping the weight. Green tea helps the digestive process, blood sugar control and your heart. This weight loss miracle also helps with anxiety and a sluggish metabolic rate.
The bad thing is that grapes have quite a bit of sugar. The good thing is that grapes have no fat. A small serving of grapes contains only 70 calories.
You would not think that potatoes would help you to lose weight, but think again. If you bake or broil your potato you will benefit from its low calorie content making it a healthy weight loss food.
This is not the only great advice that Idiot Diet has to offer take a look at Idiot Diet to find more great weight loss tips and get "7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness" eBook completly FREE!
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Top 10 Healthy Eating Tips

Healthy Eating Plans
Initiating healthy meal plans does not mean planning rigid, non flexible, bland and boring meals. It's not about starving yourself to the point of tears, or staying unrealistically thin. Quite the contrary, it's about feeling great, having energy that lasts all day long, sleeping soundly throughout the night, and being as healthy as you can be. It's about reducing your risk of the diseases falsely considered to be part of the aging process. This can all be accomplished effortlessly by shifting gradually to a simple, healthy eating menu
10 Healthy Eating Tips
1 - Don't Instantly Drop Your Current Eating Habits
Make your transition to healthy meal plans a gradual, step by step process. If you commit to making the change in small, manageable steps, you'll be eating healthy before you know it.
Instead of being concerned with counting calories or measuring portions, think of changing your diet in terms of color, freshness, and variety. Find recipes that call for fresh fruits and vegetables. Little by little, your diet will become healthier and more delicious.
Remember, make this change gradual, not overnight. Start out by adding a colorful vegetable salad to one meal every day for a few weeks. Then, maybe add fresh fruit as dessert. Make the transition gradual.
Every change you make to your diet matters. You don't have to be perfect or instantly eliminate foods you enjoy. Your long-term goal is to feel good, have energy, and reduce your chances of diabetes, heart disease, or cancer.
Think of water and exercise as integral parts of your new transition.
Your body needs, clean, clear water. Not so-called fruit juice (unless it's freshly squeezed), and especially not coffee. Many people go through life dehydrated because they drink very little water or coffee almost exclusively. Your digestive system needs a lot of water to function efficiently as do all body organs. These so-called fruit juices are full of sugar, flavorings, and preservatives that your body can't digest so it stores them as fat. Coffee is nothing more than an addictive drug that dehydrates your body. Coffee is the biggest drug habit in the world.
Also, the human body was built for movement, not the sedentary lifestyle most people live today. Choose an activity you enjoy and make it a part of your daily routine, even two or three times a day.
2 - The Secret is Moderation
The key in changing to a healthy diet is moderation. Your body always needs a balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Don't think of some foods as being off-limits, think of smaller portions and eating them less often.
3 - How You Eat
It's not what you eat, it's how you eat. Slow down, think about food as nourishment, not something to be gulped down while you're rushing from here to there. And, eat breakfast. Get out of bed every morning, do some light exercising to escalate your heart rate and open up your lungs, then eat a light, healthy breakfast. Your body wants exercise and it wants breakfast. It's gone without food for several hours so your organs need nourishment to wake up and start functioning.
4 - Color Is The Secret
Fruits and vegetables are the secret ingredient in a healthy diet. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. You say you don't like vegetables? Work fresh vegetables into your diet little by little. You will soon acquire a taste for vegetables because your body wants and needs them.
Green vegetables provide calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E and K, and they help strengthen the blood and respiratory systems. Sweet vegetables help eliminate your craving for sweets. Corn, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes or yams, winter squash, and onions are all examples of sweet vegetables. A wide variety of fruit is essential to a healthy diet. Berries fight cancer, apples supply fiber, and citrus fruits are full of vitamin C.
5 - Eat Healthy Carbs
When most people think of carbohydrates, they think of breads, potatoes, pastas, and rice. It's true, these are carbohydrates, however these are unhealthy, starchy carbohydrates. They break down to glucose very quickly making your blood sugar and insulin levels very erratic. Fruits, vegetables, and whole wheat grains are sources of healthy carbs. Notice, I said whole wheat grains, not whole wheat bread.
6 - Healthy Fats vs Unhealthy Fats
Fats are a necessary part of your diet, however there are healthy and unhealthy fats. You need healthy fat to nourish your brain, heart, hair, skin, and nails. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats in salmon, herring, mackerel, and sardines are vital to your diet. Fats you need to start reducing from your diet are trans fats and saturated fats.
7 - Protein
Protein supplies the necessary amino acids we need for building muscle tissue, strengthening our immune system, our heart, and respiratory system. Protein also helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels. When we think of protein, we commonly think of red meat, make it lean red meat. Other sources of protein to work into your healthy diet are salmon and other fresh fish, and turkey.
8 - Your Body Needs Calcium
Of course dairy products are the obvious source of calcium. However, leafy green vegetables are an excellent source of calcium. Beans are also rich in calcium.
9 - Sugar and Salt
Sugar and salt are necessary for our survival, however they must be taken in moderation. Sugar and salt are hidden in many of our processed foods today. Foods like bread, canned soups and vegetables, spaghetti sauce, margarine, instant mashed potatoes, frozen dinners, fast food, soy sauce, and ketchup. Again, for a smooth transition, ween these foods from you diet gradually.
10 - Plan Meals Ahead
Plan your meals by the week, or even by the month. Planning your meals removes the impulse to grab something simple and easy, and unhealthy.
Conclusion - Your Healthy Eating Menu
Remember, healthy eating does not mean being saddled to a strict, boring regimen. It means having more energy, sleeping better at night, and reducing your risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other ailments erroneously attributed to simply growing older. Make your transition gradual and you'll be enjoying healthy meal plans before you know it.
What if you simply can't control your body weight, no matter how hard you try?
I know how hard it is to try a new program, lose a few pounds, only to gain it all back again and again. The depression and discouragement that comes from failing time after time, no matter how hard you try, is truly devastating.
There is a solution. It's simple and easy, no dangerous pills, no expensive foods, no hunger pangs, and your body will naturally gravitate to your perfect, optimum weight.
You can learn more in my free video/report by clicking here: Your Perfect Body []
Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible. Learn how to Eat Healthy Nutritious Foods [] by clicking the link.
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Monday, January 13, 2014
Five Simple Health Tips to Jump Start A New You.
Five Simple Health Tips to Jump Start A New You
By []Anu Fergoda
Creating a heather lifestyle doesn't have to be complicated but it does require commitment. It takes 21 days to create a new habit, and 6 months for that habit to become ingrained in your routine. Since life can get in the way, I recommend small changes one step at a time. The list below represents five simple health tips that you can incorporate into your life and make a huge impact on your health, energy, and vitality. Choose one item at a time and do it for at least 3 weeks before adding another component to your lifestyle. When you are doing it without having to constantly remind yourself, then you are ready to move on to the next item.
1) Drink half your "ideal" weight in ounces of water per day. If your ideal weight (not your actual weight) is 120 pounds, you should drink 60 ounces of water per day. Even mild dehydration will cause a 3% drop in your baseline metabolism. That means you will gain 1 pound of fat every 6 months! Drinking water minimizes bloating and water retention in women. These symptoms are often a result of lack of hydration. Drinking plenty of water is how you flush the fat and toxins stored in your fat cells, and also how you can prevent muscle cramps. When muscle cells don't have adequate fluids, they don't work as well and performance can suffer. When exercising, you should try to drink 3-5 ounces of water every 20 minutes. Downing your 8-10 glasses of water all in one sitting doesn't cut it. For maximum effectiveness, staying "evenly" hydrated throughout the day is how our bodies metabolize fat. Also, proper hydration keeps our kidneys and bowel function healthy. Getting the proper hydration also gives you more youthful looking skin. Symptoms associated with mild dehydration are weakness, muscle cramps, headaches, irritability, fatigue, trouble concentrating, heart palpitations, and anxiety.
2) Get your Vitamin D levels tested. Over 80% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient. This is especially prevalent during the winter months. Research shows that proper levels of vitamin D can boost your immune system and decrease your risk for cancer. You can buy Vitamin D3 in a supplement form or you can spend some time in the sun, although your body can only generate vitamin D from UVB rays and during certain times of the day. There is an app for smartphones called Dminder. This app will let you know what time of day, based on your geographic location, the sun is at the proper angle and generating UVB rays so your body can create Vitamin D. In some geographic areas there will be times of the year that you cannot generate vitamin D from sun exposure and will need to get it in the form of supplementation or special tanning beds. This app takes all of the scientific data into account plus your personal profile which includes skin pigmentation, weight, and age. When you are ready to begin your sun exposure, input the type of clothing you are wearing and start the timer. When you've maximized your Vitamin D production for the day, an alarm will sound to end your session. For those of you who don't enjoy the outdoors or live in a location where you can't generate Vitamin D, there are plenty of Vitamin D supplements. Look for Vitamin D in the form of D3. The daily recommended amount is controversial, but generally, 1000-5000mg is recommended. For more info on this topic visit
3) Get to bed before 10pm. Since I know this is going to be challenging, start with going to bed just a little earlier each night and work your way to 10pm over a three week period. The latest sleep studies indicate that the deepest and most regenerative sleep occurs between 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. If your body is chronically deprived of "regenerative sleep" between 10 p.m. - 2 a.m., then you may still feel tired and have difficulty getting up in the morning. At 10 p.m., your body goes through a series of transformations following the rise in melatonin production. Melatonin not only helps regulate your sleep/wake cycle but is also responsible for the repair and restoration of your body. A reduction of your mental and physical activity is necessary for this 10 p.m. shift to occur. Watching television, reading from an electronic device, or bright LED clocks all impact melatonin production and the subsequent chain reaction that leads your body into deep sleep. This is one good reason to buy paperback books and a book light! You can also listen to relaxing music. Getting a good night's sleep can create longevity and health. Deep rest during the night helps you fight stress, maintain a healthy weight, and keeps your energy levels high. A simple health tip for those wanting to lose weight: get a minimum of 5 hours of sleep per night.
4) Eat more fruits and vegetables. When we eat a diet high in whole foods, we feed our bodies thousands of micronutrients which stabilize our blood sugar and cholesterol, decrease weight, boost the immune system, reverse heart disease and prevent cancer. An apple a day may keep the doctor away but a mushroom a day will help keep cancer away! The micronutrients found in fruits and vegetables are very powerful antioxidants. Micronutrients create many cell protecting compounds. Many of these compounds such as polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, and phytoestrogens have significant health benefits and are an essential component to optimal health. Micronutrients high in carotenoids are found in carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, broccoli and spinach. Vegetables that are deep red, purple or black provide rich sources of polyphenols. Flavanoids are found in nuts, seeds, grains, green tea, red wine, kale, and lemons. Phytoestrogens are found in soybeans and flaxseeds. If you do not have access to a fresh variety of produce, then supplement your diet with a good whole food concentrate formula. It's important to incorporate both raw and cooked vegetables into your diet. A simple health tip is that roasting vegetables is easy, quick, and delicious! Cut your vegetables into bite size pieces, drizzle them in olive oil, add salt, pepper and a little cayenne. Roast at 420 degrees for about 20 minutes. To change it up, add raw nuts or dried cranberries in the last five minutes of cooking. You can squeeze fresh lemon juice or shake some parmesan cheese over the top for added flavor.
5) Exercise for 20 minutes a day. It is not necessary to kill yourself at the gym for hours at time. You can get tremendous benefit from just 20 minutes of activity per day, and even walking the dog counts! If you can think of exercise as a play-date, then it can be something to look forward to rather than something to get done! Find something you enjoy doing, and do it. It could be tennis, swimming, hiking, jogging, weightlifting, Zumba aerobics, dancing, pole-dancing, kickboxing, boxing, cardio barre, Nia, yoga, biking, jump rope, hula hooping, climbing stairs, or even just shooting baskets. Think about something you used to love doing and then do it again! If you can commit to anything physical for 20 minutes a day you can make a big impact on your health and really boost your metabolism! Running on a treadmill for 20 minutes a day at 4 mph will take 26 days for you to lose 1 pound of fat. That's a total of 14 pounds of fat in one year from this simple health tip. That's a lot of pant sizes! There are so many fun ways to lose weight and get in shape while improving your heart health, reducing stress, increasing endorphins and building muscle.
None of these simple health tips are rocket science. In fact I bet you knew most of this stuff already, you just don't do them. I spent years looking for complicated diets and supplements to get myself into optimal shape. The best medicine I had, I already knew - I just didn't do it. Make your New Years Resolution a lifestyle change to incorporate healthy habits three weeks at a time!
Hi, I'm Anu Fergoda and helping people feel better is my passion. Although I am not an expert in nutrition, diet or exercise, after gaining 26 pounds in one year, being chronically fatigued, and prematurely aging, I decided to take my health and well being into my own hands. After 8 years of wading through mountains of expert articles and opinions, and trial and error, I discovered simple and convenient solutions that worked for me, my family and our busy life. []Click here to get your free report on Better Health Through Solutions That Work!
Article Source: [] Five Simple Health Tips to Jump Start A New You
Fresh Fruit Choices Contribute To Better Health
Fresh Fruit Choices Contribute To Better Health
By ['Connor]T. O'Connor
Unhealthy snacks like chips, granola bars, candy and soda are all too common and easy to choose both at home and in the workplace. You know the saying, "an apple a day can keep the doctor away." It turns out that there are more fruits to choose from that are advantageous; and, will improve your overall health and well-being.
Let's begin with some common superfood or superfruits such as blueberries, oranges, bananas, apples, kiwis, grapes, strawberries, and papayas. These delectable foods contain antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients that can help you live a longer, healthier life.
• Blueberries - These delicious gems contain cancer fighting agents, and can also stave off urinary tract infections the same way that cranberries do.
• Oranges - The first thing that comes to mind with this juicy fruit is the fact that is contains loads of vitamin C. But did you know that oranges are also packed with potassium? And don't leave out the white membrane around the outer part, as this contains Hesperidin, an agent that can help lower cholesterol.
• Apples - Instead of taking fiber pills, include an apple a day with the skin included. Not only will this help keep you regular, but also contributes to lowering cholesterol. And this is in addition to their powerful antioxidants!
• Bananas - This powerful fruit has several healing properties, including helping with stomach ulcers, and lowering blood pressure, which decreases the risk of a stroke. Like oranges, bananas also contain potassium.
• Kiwis - The fruit from Down Under is a popular choice for holiday and party arrangements. These sweet gems contain twice the amount of vitamin C than oranges, and can even reduce the risk of cataracts and damage to DNA.
• Grapes - The most powerful of this bunch are the red and purple varieties. This fruit contains the same heart disease fighting component of red wine, Resveratrol, but without the alcohol content.
• Strawberries - This is often a fruit that is thought of during the late Spring and Summer months. But markets will usually have these available all year-round. Daily consumption can help with type 2 diabetes as well as heart disease and inflammation. Strawberries also contain antioxidants and vitamin C.
• Papayas - A tropical fruit made in heaven. Papain is the powerful substance that can aid in digestion, and also provides a good source of vitamin C.
Not only do these powerful fresh fruit choices contain vitamins and minerals they are pre-biotic fuel for the pro-biotic or good bacteria in the gut. This can have a direct effect on your immune system, and in fact almost 85% of your immune cells reside in your gut. Adding these to your diet will help stave off disease, and yes, keep the doctor away.
Tom O'Connor is the CEO and founder of Market Fresh Fruit in Seattle, WA, which provides offices and worksites with premium quality fruit as healthy alternatives to sweet, high-fat or salty snacks each week.
Article Source: [] Fresh Fruit Choices Contribute To Better Health
5 Foods That Lower Bad Cholesterol
5 Foods That Lower Bad Cholesterol
By []Oankar Kundan
The holidays leave us with good memories of family gatherings and reunions with friends. It also leaves us with more: belly fat, increased blood sugar and cholesterol. People have found it a trend to go back to the healthy lifestyle after the New Year. You know this means taking those running shoes out again and choosing healthy foods.
The bright side is there are foods that lower cholesterol levels so that you do not necessarily have to stop enjoying your meals - you just need to choose wisely what foods to consume while you're trying to get back to the normal levels.
Fish and Fish oil
This is heart food. Fish products are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can naturally reduce cholesterol levels. Fish diets prevent heart attack and the risk of stroke. Fish oil, meanwhile, is said to prevent the risk of sudden death on those who already suffered from heart attacks.
Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, mackerel, lake trout, sardines, herring, albacore tuna and halibut. This is good news for those who are on a sardine diet post-holiday season. They are on the right track. If you prefer tuna, be mindful that the bigger the fish, the higher amounts of mercury they may have.
Oatmeal and other high-fiber foods
Try having oatmeal for breakfast instead of pancakes with butter and lots of maple syrup. Two servings of oats will lower your bad cholesterol or LDL by 5.3% in as little as six weeks. This food contains soluble fiber which has beta glucan that reduces LDL absorption into the bloodstream. Adding fruits such us apples or bananas will add 4 grams of fiber to your diet. Other sources of soluble fiber are kidney beans, pears, apples, barley and prunes.
Studies also indicate that eating nuts is good for the heart. Walnuts, which are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, are great in keeping blood vessels healthy. Eating between 1.5 ounces - 2 ounces or 42.5 grams of nuts daily rel=nofollow []lowers the LDL by 5%. Other nuts that you can include in your post-holiday diet are almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachio. Make sure that these are plain and not salted or sugar-coated. They can be used to replace foods high in saturated fats such as cheese and croutons.
This food has 13 kinds of flavonoids that prevent cell cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis. It is also rich in iron. Recommended consumption for a healthy heart is half a cup of spinach every day.
Dark chocolate
Yes, chocolate is good food after all. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that reduce damage to the blood vessels. It can also lower high cholesterol levels. Studies indicate that consumption of this food at 100 grams daily reduces by 21 percent the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Article Source: [] 5 Foods That Lower Bad Cholesterol
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Immune Superheroes: 10 Superfoods to Boost Your Immunity
Immune Superheroes: 10 Superfoods to Boost Your Immunity
By []Lisa Gatti
It was early October when we awoke to a paper bag at our doorstep with a ghost stapled to the outside. That night, while my daughters were in bed and sleeping, we were ghosted! The girls were thrilled with excitement and began immediately planning for their own ghosting ritual.
The concept is pretty simple. Fill a bag with some Halloween candy, attach a ghost with instructions, bring it to someone's doorstep, ring the bell, and run.
That evening, we hopped into the car and ghosted two of their friends. The girls were dressed in wigs and sunglasses, my husband behind the wheel. For a moment, we felt invincible, like superheroes!
But, whether it was the thrill of the excitement or just that time of year, my younger daughter woke up with the sniffles on Monday morning. Not so super...
Sniffles, and other early signs of a flu, cold, or virus are the perfect time to give your immune system a healthy boost.
At the onset of a sickness, remove all refined sugar, it will only serve to compromise your immune system. Instead, a whole foods diet rich in seasonal fruits and vegetables is your best line of defense.
Here are 10 of my favorite immune superheroes, perfect to support you through fall and winter's cold and flu season:
1. Coconut Milk Kefir - A probiotic-rich food that keeps the gut and intestinal tract free from disease-causing germs.
2. Camu Camu Powder - A superfood high in vitamin C, which tops the list of immune-boosting vitamins.
3. Almonds - A great source of vitamin E, also key for strong immunity.
4. Sugar Pumpkin - Contains beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A, a broad regulator of the immune system.
5. Tahini - Sesame seed paste that is high in magnesium and zinc, both immune-supportive. Zinc is a mineral commonly deficient in our diets.
6. Oregano - Anti-fungal; stimulating to the immune system. The leaves or oil are preferential to the powder.
7. Garlic - Anti-fungal; fights off infections and bacteria.
8. Medicinal mushrooms - Chinese wisdom validates the impact of mushrooms on immunity, especially the Maitake and Shitake.
9. Fish - Your essential fats, which help to protect the lungs and respiratory system from colds; and selenium, particular to helping clear the flu virus out of your body.
10. Chicken Soup - It turns out that scientific researchers are just beginning to discover the healing properties of bone broth, confirming that our grandmothers' remedy does, in fact, have medicinal value.
A whole foods diet, rich in anti-oxidants (colorful fruits and veggies) plus these ten superfoods will fuel your body's immune system with the essential fats, vitamins, minerals, herbs and probiotic support it needs for a quick recovery.
While eating healthfully doesn't exclude us from getting sick, I've found that with good dietary support we are able to prevent many of the sniffles from turning into full-blown illnesses. And viruses that lasted weeks are often over in days.
To your health, & my daughter's!
Lisa is a nutrition expert, food educator, & founder of Culinary Therapy, LLC, a boutique holistic wellness practice dedicated to teaching people how to nourish themselves with simple, nutritious foods so they can look and feel great.
For more information, and to claim your FREE GIFT, visit
Article Source: [] Immune Superheroes: 10 Superfoods to Boost Your Immunity
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